Coding Club

In today's world, learning to code is a foundational skill as well as a basis for developing creativity, reasoning and collaboration. 

Port-a-Lab is working with primary schools to arrange Coding Club courses after school or at lunch time, using the Scratch system. 
"Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century." (MIT Media Lab, Lifelong Kindergarten Group) 

Port-a-Lab Coding Club in Schools

Port-a-Lab is working with primary schools to arrange Coding Club courses after school or at lunch time, using the Scratch system. All we need are internet connection and computers with sufficient power supply, which all schools already have. 

Could your school host a Port-a-Lab Coding Club? Whether you're a teacher or a parent, please get in touch with us on to discuss the possibilities for your school.