Port-a-Lab team is excited to deliver online STEAM classes starting 26th of February 2021.
Here are the details:
- STEAM club is going to be held online as live sessions (only for UK residents).
- The club consists of 5 sessions/weeks, starting 26 February 2021.
- Fridays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
- Every child accessing the sessions needs a computer/tablet and stable internet connection (phones are not recommended).
- Most materials will be general household materials which should be readily to hand or easily obtained from local shops by parents/carers. Port-a-Lab will provide a materials list in advance of each session to allow for preparation.
- Some specific materials (which are hard to obtain by parents/carers or where it is important for the activities to work that they meet specifications) will be provided by Port-a-Lab. They will be posted prior to the sessions, allowing sufficient time for the materials to be quarantined.
Who can attend?
- Year 2 - Year 6 pupils
How parents/carers can sign up by Friday 19 February 2021:
- Fill in the registration form.
- Make payment - £50. This covers the block of five 1-hour sessions, cost of Port-a-Lab-provided materials, and delivery of these materials.
- Send us an email to confirm payment has been made so we'll look out for it.
Bank details: Port-a-Lab Ltd
Sort code: 60-83-71
Account number: 04721611
Please note that the registration is not complete until the payment has been made. There are a limited number of places available and the place is only secured once payment has been received.
If less than 5 children are registered by the deadline, we will cancel the block and refund the money.
Spirit of STEAM:
Port-a-Lab has tested the activities with a range of materials and Port-a-Lab staff will do their best to help children and parents/carers complete the activities at home. Quite rarely, some activities may not work as intended even with perseverance, due to slight differences in materials used and the house environment. This is in the nature of science - experiments do not always work! Learning this aspect of science is also important, and also provides valuable experience.
Port-a-Lab classes are engaging and fun. Every week, to keep STEAMists active in terms of exploring and learning, STEAMists will be given homework related to the topic they have covered that week.